My thoughts

Created by Elizabeth 14 years ago
This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one Chris Monasmith. Chris was born in Arizona on the 31st of October, 1958. She passed away on the 23rd March, 2010, at the age of 51. She will be forever remembered. Mom and I were immediately adopted into her family, as she and Jen into ours. She was a wonderful woman. She loved to be with family and friends. Chris was notorious for giving far more than she took. Her death leaves a heartache never to be healed, her love leaves a memory that will remain eternal. I never thought I would have to say goodbye to her so soon. The shining point for me is that I was able to spend five wonderful years ensuing a terminal diagnosis of mesothelioma. These years were full of tremendous memories. I was blessed to be one of the last few people who were privileged to spend quality time with her. She was known to those close to her as a survivor. When ever you were with Chris, she made people smile and laugh until they cried. As her adopted daughter I can say we did that a lot! She would always smile her beautiful grin (that would light up her face) when talking or telling a story. Personally, I would not have survived my teen years if she had not provided the voice of reason for both my mom and I. She had an unique gift of listening and gently guided you in the right direction, all the while making you think you came to the conclusion yourself. Chris was more than a wife and mother. She was an amazing friend to all, best friend to my mother for the last 28 years. Chris and Mom experienced divorces, marriages, stubborn daughters, road trips, and a lifetime of friendship that words cannot articulate. She was the first and only female president in the history of the Tucson Street Rod Association. For 3 years Chris held this position, only resigning due to declining health. Chris was an active member of the K-Cette's (a division of the Knights of Columbus)for most of her adult life, holding several positions including President and Vice President. After hearing many wonderful stories from her friends and other family members, it's easy to see I am talking about an extraordinary person. Words fail to describe the emptiness inside each and every one of us. My comfort is knowing that she is at peace now and no longer in pain. Always and Forever in our hearts your memory will remain.
